XCM60 series plastics shell breakers (briefly named breakers) are developed by our company and involve internationally advanced technologies and in accordance with IEC60947-2. The rated insulating voltage is 800V. They are fit for non-frequent switch in circuits and non-frequent starting of motors AS 50Hz, rated operating voltage up to 690V and rated current 630A. Breakers have the intelligent protection function, capable of enhancing reliability of power supply, protecting the circuits and power equipment from damage.
◆Based on the break capacity in short circuit, breakers may be classified in M (higher break capacity), H (high break capacity). ◆Breakers vertically installed (vertical), horizontally installed (horizontal) ◆No wiring in reverse direction for breakers. ◆Breakers have segregating functions, for which the symbols are: ◆Breakers comply with followings tandards: IEC60947-2及GB/T 14048.2
Operating conditions ◆Media temperature not higher than +40℃ and not lower than -25℃ with the average value not exceeding +35℃. ◆Elevation below 2000m. ◆Relative humidity not exceeding 40% when temperature is not higher than +40℃. If temperature lower, relative humidity may be higher. Example: 90% at 20℃. Special measures shall be necessary for condensation occurred due to temperature variation. ◆Pollution level: level 3. ◆Main circuit and under voltage release installed in type III; the auxiliary circuits and control circuits in type II. ◆Breakers shall be installed where there is no risk of explosion, conducting dusts no corrosive gas. ◆Breakers shall be kept away from rain and snow.
Characteristics ◆The major technical performances of XCM60 series have reached the international advanced level. The breakers are marked with compact structure, small size, strong capacity of break in time of short circuit, no flashover and high adaptability to the environment, high flexibility in installation, etc. ◆XCM60 series are accurate and reliable in terms of the current setting value; and the times of short retartant time adjustable. Users may set for the protecting functions all by themselves. ◆XCM60 series adopt micro-processing technologies, avoiding the disadvantage of the impact of ambient temperature on biometal plates in the traditional breakers. As the actuating mechanism of the retardant release, the breakers can be adapted to cold areas and tropical areas. ◆The instant release of traditional breakers is achieved by means of electromagnetic attraction of the release mechanism. XCM60 intelligent breakers adopt electronic release in replace the traditional attraction plate. ◆XCM60 series intelligent breakers, having microprocessor in the interior, are marked with high sensitivity, high performance of release, and include the products of special functions meeting special requirements. For example, they have the functions of under voltage protection, open-phase protection, protection against imbalance of three pahse, adjustable time lag, overload display. ◆XCM60 series intelligent breakers have display for overload and system self examination. ◆XCM60 series intelligent breakers have three-section protection, capable of flexibly used in various circuits. ◆XCM60 series intelligent breakers don’t use the biometal plate, greatly reducing the power consumption of the breaker itself.
Note: 1) code No. for grade 4 products A, N is not fitted with current release and N is not connected and not turned on or off together with the rest three poles; B, N is not fitted with current release and N is always connected and not turned on or off together with the rest three poles; C, N is fitted with current release and N is always connected and not turned on or off together with the rest three poles; (N turned on first and off later); D, N is fitted with current release and N is always connected, but not turned on or off together with the rest three poles.
2) Breakers for power distribution have no code No.; those for motor protection in the code No. 2. 3) Directly operated breakers have no
◆If in wiring mode, breakers can be classified in front wiring, back wiring, plug-in wiring. ◆If in current release type, they can be classified in thermal magnetic release type and electronic release type. The thermal magnetic release type can be further classified in instant release and composite release (instant release and thermal powered-electromagnetic release). ◆Based on the accessories, the breakers may be classified those with accessories and those without accessories. The accessories also include the interior accessories and the exterior accessories. The interior accessories include shunt release, under voltage release, auxiliary contact, alarming contact; the exterior accessories include turning handle operating mechanism and electrical operating mechanism. |