XCM1L series residual current plastics shell breaker (briefly named breakers) are a new type breakers developed by our company and involving internationally advanced technologies. The rated insulating voltage is 800V. They are intended for non-frequent switch in circuits and non-frequent start of motrs in AC 50Hz, rated voltage 400V and rated current up to 630A. The breakers have the function of protecting against overload, short circuit and under voltage, and may also protect against the potential rist of fire arising from over current that cannot be detected but exist for a long period.
Based on the level of Icu, the breakers may be divided in two types: type M and type H. The breakers are marked with small size, short flashover and high resistant to vibration.
Breakers can be installe dvertically or horizontally. Breakers play the role of segregation, in which case, the corresponding symbol is: Breakers shall have proper wire connection, namely wire 1,3 and 5 shall be connected to the power line, and 2, 4 and 6 to load line.
Standards involved: IEC60947-2及GB/T 14048.2
Main characteristics:
The operating power supply of the creepage protection module of the routine residual current breaker is in two phase, but that of the breakers of this series is in 3 phase. The creepage protection module may still work normally in case any of the three phases is missing.
Rated residual current Iδn and maximum break time are adjustable according to specific conditions. The vreepage protection module may still work normally when the phase voltage declines to 50V.
Creepage alarming Compliant with the requirements for electromagnetic compatability specified in IEC60947 appendix B Dimensions same as XCM1 series, in favor of the exchangeability in installation. Applicable working environment and installation conditions Installed in areas with elevation not more than 2000m;
Surrounding media temperature not higher than +40℃ and not lower than -5℃ with the average value in 24 hours not exceeding 35℃ (excluding special requirements in purchase order); Relative humidity shall not exceed 50% at the air temperature of +40℃; the humidity may be higher if the air temperature is lower. The humidity shall not exceed 90% in the most humid month, in which case, the condensation on the product surface shall be taken into account. Pollution level: grade 3. Installation of major circuit of breaker: type III, auxiliary circuits and control circuits not connected to the major circuit: type II. Installed where there is no explosive media and where the media do not cause corrosion of metal or damage the insulating layer and there is no conducting dust. Installed where there is no rain or snow. Breakers shall be installed accoridng to the instruction for use.
Note: 1)breakers without creepage alarming module do not have code No.; those having the modules and in the operating mode I are expressed in the code No. I; those in mode II are expressed in the code No. II. 2)Grade 3 products have no code No., for grade 4, the code No: A, B, C, D. 3)Breakers for power distribution have no code No. Hose for protecting motors have code No. 2. 4)Breakers operated with handles have no code No. those operated electrically have the code No. P; those operated with turning handles have have the code No. Z.
◆Breakers, if divided in garde, include grade 3 and 4. In the grade 4, the neutral pole include 4 types: Tye A: N pole is not fitted with over current release, and N is always connected, not connected or disconnected with the rest three poles. Type B: N pole is not fitted with over current release, and N is is connected with the rest 3 (N connected first and then divided); Type C: N is fitted with over current release, and N is connected with the rest 3 (N connected first and then divided); Type D: N is fitted with over current release, and N is always connected but not connected with the rest 3.
◆If divided in rated current (A): for XCM1L: (10), 16, 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 63, 80, 100A 10 grade; XCM1L-225-225: 100, 125, 140, 160, 180, 200, 225A grade 7; XCM1L-400: 225, 250, 315, 350, 400A grade 5; XCM1L-630: 400, 500, 630A grade 3. [those having () means the specifications not recommended]. ◆If divided in connecting mode: front connecting wire, back connecting wire. ◆If divided in over current release: thermal driven-electrical magnetic (composite type), electromagnetic (instant). ◆If divided in accessories: those having accessories and those without accessories.
Accessories include the interior accessories and exterior accessories. The interior include shunt release, under voltage release, creepage alarming module, auxiliary contact and alarming contact. The exterior include the turning handles and electrically operated mechanism.
◆Refer to tabel 3 and 4 for the technical performances.
Application and maintenance ◆The manufacturer will set the breakers for their characteristics, which shall not be changed in the process of application. ◆The users may make adjustment to the rated residual current and the maximum turn off time according to specific needs (such work shall be done by specialists). ◆When the main circuit is connected with power supply, the type of rated residual current operating time shall be the retardant type, in which case, there shall be immediate release upon hand touch of the residual current operation. ◆After release, the creepage indicator button on the panel shall come up. ◆Breakers with the creepage alarming module, in time of creepage alarming, shall have reset for the reset button on the module. Only in this way, will the creepage alarming module work normally. ◆The manufacturer will be responsible for replacement or repair for quality problem or malfunctioning within 18 months from the date of delivery provided the users strictly follow the conditions of application and safekeeping, the seal of the breaker is in good condition.
Notice for ordering ◆The user, when ordering, shall specify the model No., specifications, accessories, residual current operaitng time (or non-retardant type, retardant type). If the under voltage release and shunt release are to be ordered, the voltage of operating power supply (or control power supply) shall be specified. ◆Example: XCM1L-100 grade 4, rated current 50A, type of residual current operating time: retardant type. Turning handle mechanism, creepage alarming module, operating mode I, neutral pole in type C, shunt release (AC400V), 20 sets for wire connection behind panel. |